Eco Vegan Green Graphic Design • Marketing • Advertising • Mystic, CT

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Keep Your Pipeline Full by Marketing Consistently—No Matter What

Are you marketing consistently? Or are you someone that starts out strong with your marketing efforts and then you let things slide when things get busy? It happens to a lot of us, but to ensure that you are keeping your pipeline full, it's important to stay consistent with your marketing—no matter how busy you are.  

You took that first step...

Making an effort to improve upon on your brand and marketing strategy usually stems out of a realization that you could be getting a lot more business if your marketing materials better represented the quality of your products or services. Once you have this realization, you reach out to a professional to improve upon your logo, website, promotional graphics, etc. You then start to put some marketing tactics in place—blogging, running promotions, engaging on social media, printing ads, etc., but then things get busy. The demands of working IN your business take over the need to work ON your business, and your well-intentioned marketing efforts go out the window. Sound familiar?  

We are all busy

In the book, The War of Art, Steven Pressfield defines the difference between an amateur and a professional as someone who shows up for their business day in and day out whether they feel like doing the work or not. 

We are all busy, but the problem with skipping that blog or that ad, or not making the time to work out the details of that promotion because you are busy NOW, might mean that you won't be busy LATER. That's when the feast-or-famine cycle begins. When you are marketing consistently, it's like an insurance policy that the work will keep flowing in.

Why keep marketing when you already have enough business?

It's easy to let your marketing efforts go when things get crazy, but how do you think you got all that business in the first place? It could be because months earlier you focused on your marketing and drip-by-drip, business started to increase.

There's a business here in town. They are busy ALL THE TIME. You can't book an appointment with them for months. You would think they don't need to do any marketing, right? Why spend the time or the money on marketing a business that's already successful? Because it's that consistent effort that's keeping them successful. Despite what seems to be having more clients than they handle, they still advertise their services week after week. Doing this not only builds TOMA (Top of Mind Awareness), but it creates brand credibility. Potential clients are seeing their name, logo and messaging over and over again.

When you think of doing business with someone, who do you reach out to first? It's usually the person who comes to mind first—and who comes to mind first? The business that has been marketing their brand in front of you over and over and over again—no matter what.

Marketing consistently is possible

Proper planning is the key. Make a REALISTIC plan and stick to it. If you want to blog once a month, but you can only blog once a quarter, then plan for that. If you want to run a promotion every week, but your budget only allows you to do it once a month, then plan for that.

It's always great to do more if you can. We all want to do more. I have a list a mile long of all the things I want to put in place with my marketing, but there are only so many hours in the day and just so much money in my budget. Success with marketing is more about quality and consistency than it is about quantity.

Find out what works for your budget and your time and stick to it—no matter what. Need help planning or implementing your marketing tactics? Let's chat!

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